Sunday, May 28, 2023

The Emperor In August (Nihon no ichiban nagai hi ketteiban), 2015

The film recreates the chain of historical events from April to August 15, 1945, which determined the further fate of Japan: the last months of the command of the armed forces of Imperial Japan - which ignited the explosive clash between hardliners within Japan's military leadership and the more pacifistic approach of Emperor Hirohito and Prime Minister Kantaro Suzuki - which ultimately led to Japan's surrender in the second world war. The main ideological conflict seemed to be, whether Japan was to survive as a beaten nation under the initial occupation of the US - advocated by Emperor Hirohito - or whether Japan was to go down in a blaze of glory (and live forever as an immortal nation in the spirit world!) - advocated by hardliners within Japan's military leadership. Both arguments had their pro's and con's - as highlighted in this very detailed dramatization of historic events.

Masato Harada
Kazutoshi Handô and Masato Harada
Kôji Yakusho, Masahiro Motoki as the Emperor, Tsutomu Yamazaki

Subs: English & Portuguese
YouTube movie link:

Copyright owner is blocking only in South Korea

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