Tuesday, July 25, 2023

I'm Not There (Todd Haynes, 2007)

Six incarnations of Bob Dylan: an actor, a folk singer, an electrified troubadour, Rimbaud, Billy the Kid, and Woody Guthrie. Put Dylan's music behind their adventures, soliloquies, interviews, marriage, and infidelity. Recreate 1960s documentaries in black and white. Put each at a crossroads, the artist becoming someone else. Jack, the son of Ramblin' Jack Elliott, finds Jesus; handsome Robbie falls in love then abandons Claire. Woody, a lad escaped from foster care, hobos the U.S. singing; Billy awakes in a valley threatened by a six-lane highway; Rimbaud talks. Jude, booed at Newport when he goes electric, fences with reporters, pundits, and fans. He won't be classified.


Todd Haynes

Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett, Heath Ledger, Richard Gere. Kris Kristopherson (narrator).

Todd Haynes needed to get approval from Bob Dylan to use his music, since (unlike in his Velvet Goldmine (1998) where David Bowie did not give his permission for his music) he felt the film would not work without it. At the encouragement of Dylan's manager, Haynes wrote a one-page summary of his concept and the characters, which Dylan approved. It took another 6 years to get the film made due to funding difficulties.

Subs: English.

Video Link: https://youtu.be/jbtYWOFBglY

Blocked in a lot of countries, such as Brazil and UK, but not blocked in the U.S.

1 comment:

  1. Oi tudo bem?
    Tem como postar os filmes:
    - "Tribute" ou "Tributo" (1980) de Bob Clark e com Jack Lemmon;
    - "Francisca" (1981) de Manoel de Oliveira;
    - "Quartet" ou "Quarteto de Paixão" (1981) de James Ivory; e
    - "Lovely & Amazing" ou "Encontro de Irmãs" (2001) de Nicole Holofcener



The Gorgon Case - Sprawa Gorgonowej - (1977)

On December 30, 1931 a 17-year-old daughter of engineer Henryk Zaremba is murdered. Rita Gorgonowa, a housekeeper, nanny of Zaremba\’s child...