sexta-feira, 21 de junho de 2024

The Black Dossier - Le dossier noir (1955)

Jacques Arnaud arrives in a small town somewhere in the province. Soon a citizen reports to him that strangers have broken into his house where they stole a mysterious “black dossier”.

Director: André Cayatte. 

Stars: Antoine Balpêtré, Lea Padovani, Bernard Blier, Nelly Borgeaud, Jean-Marc Bory, Daniel Cauchy, Danièle Delorme, Paul Frankeur, Jacques Duby, Noël Roquevert, Gabrielle Fontan, Christian Fourcade, Henri Crémieux, René Génin, Lucien Nat, Sylvie, André Valmy, Edmond Ardisson.

Subtitled in English.

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Wernher von Braun- I aim at the Stars (1960)

The life story of the famed rocket scientist Dr. Werner von Braun, one of the most brilliant and controversial figures of the space age. Dr....