terça-feira, 18 de junho de 2024

Un soir, un train (1968)


Mathias is a Belgian linguist, living with French theatre producer Anne. After a quarrel about moral questions, they take a train to attend a congress. While Mathias sleeps, Anne disappears. The train stops in the middle of the country and Mathias gets off the train with an older man, Hernhutter, and a young one, Val. The train moves off without them being able to catch it up. They will find a village, but cannot get any help because they do not understand a word of what the inhabitants say…

Director: André Delvaux.

Stars: Yves Montand, Anouk Aimée, Adriana Bogdan, François Beukelaers, Hector Camerlynck, Michael Gough, Senne Rouffaer, Domien De Gruyter, Jan Peré, Nicole Debonne, Wilfried Coppens, Greta Van Langhendonck, Patrick Conrad, Jacqueline Royaards-Sandberg, Denise Zimmerman.

Subtitles in English.

LINK: https://ok.ru/video/2544476162726

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